I sadly this event has been cancelled with the announcement of a 4 week extension to the COVID lock down.
Jenny and Mark at The Man were also disappointed as they enjoy having our group every year and not to mention the lost revenue they have suffered so far.
They have been very generous to us and have not charged a cancellation fee for the group so there will be a very minimum charge to cover the clubs bank charges.
Could you please email Ross Downes at downes_ross@yahoo.com.au your bank details, one for each person registered so he can compile a list for the Treasurer to start the process of giving you a refund.
People have asked to hold the money over to next year. This is not the preferred option as we would prefer to refund all outstanding monies so we come get the accounts balanced.
There are two things we would ask at this stage:
1. Please be patient with us as this is not a quick process and we will get it done as soon as we can.
2. If and when we come out of lock down and you may be able to go skiing, please ring/email The Man first for accommodation. They have always supported us and I would like to think we could return the favour.
If you require any more info at this stage contact Ross Downes: